
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Well as many of you know, I am currently doing a 6 month internship with the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. I can’t begin to express how God has been impacting me here over the past month since I’ve started. I have been blessed by an intimate community, challenging teaching, powerful intercession, and radical encounter. God is revealing Himself in so many new and unique ways that I didn’t even know existed before. It has been quite a shift from the mission field of Nicaragua to the holy sanctuary in Kansas City, MO, but God is doing a work in me to focus on the First Commandment before I can make any significant impact on the Second Commandment. I am realizing that for most of my life I have had these two commandments out of alignment and instead I put others before God. Thus causing me to fail at both and not be able to fully pursue either commandment.
Another aspect that God is teaching me is the power and effectiveness of prayer. Before this internship I only considered my prayers to have the purpose of bringing my heart into more alignment with God’s hearts; my desires thus slowly becoming more and more His desires. However, looking through Scripture and witnessing the power of prayer firsthand, I am discovering that there is so much more that prayer does than just transforming your wants and desires. Just reading the stories of Abraham and Moses intervening before God on the behalf of entire nations to spare them from God’s just wrath. After petitioning before the Lord it says the God relented from the harm that He had intended to inflict upon the Israelites. It shows that we have the power to intercede for others. Then I am reminded of the passages in the Gospels where Jesus declares, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened…And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith” (Matthew 7:7-8 & 21:22).
The Lord is seeking to give good and precious gifts to those who ask. All He requires is faith and a willingness to ask. So if anyone has any prayer requests please send them to me. I would be honored and excited to pray and intercede for you. My role for these next 6 months is an intercessory missionary, and I would love to pray for all of you who have supported me over the years. I want to see God come transform our thinking, shake up our lives, and renew our hearts.