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“Jacob said to his father, ‘I am Esau your firstborn. I have done as you told me; now sit up and eat of my game, that your soul may bless me.'”

    We often times try to treat God like Jacob treated his father Isaac. We try coming before Him by disguising ourselves from who we really are, searching for a blessing that we do not deserve. We think if we present ourselves with the right garments, the correct tone, and the perfect offering, then God the Father will bless us with whatever we desire. We are searching for a long, healthy, and happy life where every want is met, and we go to great lengths to push the right buttons of God to receive what we crave. In trying to deceive God, we essentially deceive ourselves. We think if we give our presentation to God of false humility and false righteousness then God will be pleased. We believe God will for some reason bless us because of our self-dignified standing. Well, God is not like Isaac in that He is not blind and He has perfect vision and clarity for who we truly are. He knows every thought, act, and motive that we approach Him with. However, the difference is that we are not completely like Jacob either, for Christ’s death on the cross has put us in right standing with God. We are his first-born heirs and He desires to bless us with every blessing that He gives His Son Jesus. We do not need to try and deceive God the Father for He already sees us like Jesus the first-born Son. He has given us the dew of heaven, the fatness of earth, and plenty of grain and wine.