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“In the course of time Cain brought to the Lord an offering of the fruit of the ground, and Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat portions. And the Lord had regard for Abel and his offering.”

      Lord, what labor is it that you are calling me to and what first fruits do you desire? What is the sacrifice that you require? Is it more than just to love mercy, act justly, and walk humbly? What do you seek from my hands, my sweat, and my mind? How am I to bless You in my seep and in my wake? Don’t let me be satisfied by just giving you a portion of my labor and my tithe, but make me eager to go over and beyond my normal tendencies. I want to give you my finest portions and my first fruits. Lord, take regard for my offering and convict me on what I still haven’t given up. And always cause me to do well, so that I will be accepted and sin will not be crouching at my door. Cause Your desire for me to overshadow and obliterate sin’s desire for me. Create opportunities to give extravagantly to those in need and open doors to be able to invest into Your kingdom. I want to give You not only all my mind, strength, and heart, but also my time, resources, and finances. May I find delight in giving back to You what You have already given me.