
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”
It is amazing to read about all these men of faith You had raised up. Their faith and confidence in You is something I admire and desire to attain. They lived by faith till their death and did not even receive the things promised to them. Only from distance and time could they enjoy what was given to their offspring. Thank You for the faith You have given me; I simply can’t believe my faith can please You. I pray that You will stretch me in this area even more and that I will be certain of the future and the unseen. Thank You for drawing me into a knowledge of Your existence and that You have rewarded me with so many amazing things in my life. All I have to do is earnestly seek You, and You promise that blessing will come. Thank You for pursuing me first and tenderizing my heart. I desire to know You more intimately and that I could share my story with others. In reality I want to share Your story, so that others can have a story of redemption. I feel that this story of grace is coming to the climax of Your return and that perfection will come on earth as it is in heaven. All of Your elect have a role in this story, and everything we do is to bring You glory. It is the greatest story ever told; one starting with a fall, turning into redemption, and ending in glory.

2 responses to “Devotional – Hebrews 11:1”

  1. JD,

    I enjoy your devotionals. Keep them coming. Linda and I are off to NZ on Tuesday. If we don’t talk before then (movers are packing our computer for the long 6 week journey), I will Skype you (from someone else’s computer) once we arrive in Auckland.

    We need to plan your first visit.



  2. Yeah, I’ll try to call this weekend. I am so excited you guys are moving to New Zealand. I am looking forward to visiting, but don’t know exactly when my first visit will be. I am glad your enjoying my devotionals. Also, here is some insider information. I might start posting some videos of me singing and playing guitar. I’ll have to hear how I sound first on video before allowing the entire world to hear me.