
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

“Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their
humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power
of death-that is, the devil-and free those who all their lives were
held in slavery by their fear of death.”

    Abba Father, it is amazing that You would send Your one and only
beloved Son to take upon Himself human flesh. The mere concept of God
clothing Himself with bodily skin is quite extraordinary. He came to
live in our midsts as a servant, a teacher, an example, a savior, and a
conqueror of death. Satan reigned over this world when sin entered the
scene, but because of Christ’s death and resurrection we are now
co-heirs with Him. We have been given dominion over this earth and we
are advancing the kingdom of God everyday. Christ took away the power
of death when He rose again and instead He gave us the freedom of life.
We are no longer bound by the fear of death and no longer chained to a
life of slavery to sin. Satan lost the battle at the cross when Christ
atoned for the sins of humanity. And because Jesus was tempted and
tried just like us, He is able to help us in our hours of weakness and
temptation. Christ’s compassion is so abundant because He experienced
what we experience. He is God in human form and He can relate to any
struggle we are going through. All our pain, suffering, and sin was
place on him; while all His joy hope, and peace has been placed on us.
I am eternally grateful for this Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound!