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“There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from his.”

    Thank You Father for the gift of rest, reflection, and rejuvenation. You have set aside a special day each week to break ourselves from the worries of work and instead find solace in You. Thank You for calling me as part of Your elect and allowing me to be Your child. I find satisfaction in being able to enter Your rest. May I cherish these moments each week that allow me to put work aside and focus on You. Allow me to find these moments in each and every day. You set the example and all we have to do is follow and abide in You. Lord, I ask you right now to calm my spirit and free me from this burden of regret and what-ifs. I have often been reflecting on my college years in recent months and it is eating away at me on the inside of the things that I wish I did. My passions and pursuits at that particular time caused me to miss out on growing more in Your Word, diving deeper into meaningful relationships, and partaking in more active adventures. Let me learn from the past, delight in the present, and embrace the future. Send a resounding peace in my life that I am wrapped up in Your will and that I am exactly where You want me to be.