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“For many are called, but few are chosen.”

      Lord, thank You for calling me to the feast, seating me at the banqueting table, and inviting me to the wedding. I am a filthy servant who has no right to be called a guest or even more, a friend of the bridegroom, but by Your grace and by Your wishes You have invited me. And more than that You have chosen me specifically. You have predestined me into Your kingdom and into Your likeness. Why me? Why have You placed me in this region and era? Why have You chosen to adorn me with a wedding garment and priestly attire? Whatever the reason I thank You for saving me from the grip of the place where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. Thank You for calling me out of the darkness and into the light. You have called me as a disciple, as one of the few, and as part of the elect. Thank You for not merely calling me, but for choosing me – marking my life, sealing my heart, and setting my steps to embark on this grand adventure You have placed before me.