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“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

      Father, may I seek Your kingdom and Your will and Your righteousness above all else. Do not let me be consumed or even slightly fazed by the worries of this life; whether food or drink, clothing or shelter, or anything else that distracts in this little riddled world. More so, free me from the sins of the past and the doubts of the future. Fill me completely with You, so that nothing else can even take its place to consume my thoughts. You provide for the lilies and the birds – why should I not think that You will provide for me? I want to run after the things of You and not the things of pagans. Never let me cry out, “What shall I eat, drink, or wear?” You are my Great Provider and Sovereign Sustainer. Let me live this out even in my uncertain future and not be consumed by the knowing where I will serve or where I will be in 6 months. It honestly doesn’t matter because I will still be found in Your favor, overwhelmed by Your love, drenched by Your blessing, and obsessed by Your romance. Let tomorrow come when it’s ready and let today be enjoyed.