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“He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me.”

    Thank You Abba for Your comfort, for Your love, for Your great wisdom, for Your abundant grace, and for Your relentless pursuit of me. Thank You for bringing me to this sacred and consecrated space that is set aside for fervent and ceaseless praise of You. Thank You for taking delight in me, for fashioning me in Your image, and for every gift You have bestowed me with. May these 6 months be a season of holy living and vibrant community, where I encounter You in my meekness and brokenness. Shatter my expectations, tear apart my flesh, and wreak havoc upon my life to where nothing else can satisfy me, but being wrapped in Your presence. I want everything You have to offer and want to walk away from this experience not being able to recognize who I used to be. Thank You for the continuous saving grace that I cling to; for nothing else could mark me as Your lover, Your servant, and Your friend. May this continuous dialogue between You and I grow in its intimacy, depth, and authenticity. Thank You for this romance between the Redeemer and the redeemed, and thank You for delighting in me first so that I could delight in You. Let this 6 month transformation be engrained by a tender heart, pure thoughts, humble actions, and an affectionate spirit. Find enjoyment in me and let me abide in You forevermore!