
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

“…We will exult and rejoice in you; we will extol your love more than wine; rightly do they love you.”

      Father, I never want to be ashamed of the wonderful gospel you have given me. It is what has given me salvation and what I put my confidence in. It is the only hope and blessed assurance that we as believers, whether Greek or Jew, can find our rest. It is where God’s justice and mercy can be found, and for us to have hope in it we must live by a measure of faith. For faith produces faith. Through His Word, God has revealed His plan for redemption and His purpose for us. Lord, may every other statement or truth be weighted against the truth of the gospel, then may I throw away the fallacy of this world. May the gospel be a testament of my faith and allegiance; and when persecution, imprisonment, or even death come, may I stand on the side of the ultimate life and truth,  the firm foundation of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. May I always wear it as a seal and crest, boldly proclaiming it wherever I go.