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Thoughts & Inspiration

“…We will exult and rejoice in you; we will extol your love more than wine; rightly do they love you.”

      Lord, let me rejoice and not envy in the love of family, friends, or strangers. Allow me to celebrate what you have given them and not become jealous for my lack of intimacy with another. May I be like the daughters of Jerusalem, who take joy and satisfaction that their friend has found her beloved. In this moment in time, may I take joy and pleasure in my Beloved. For He has chosen me, even though I am dark and sinful He has still chosen to love me. He has set His gaze upon me and He desires me not for what I’ve done, but for who I am. You have called me beautiful and have given me dove’s eyes. You have made me from the dust and have made me in Your splendid image. You have made me delightful in Your eyes and pleasurable in Your presence. Let me become drunk in Your love and intoxicated by Your desire. Call me into Your kingdom to reign with You despite my past or my background. I am drawn by You and captivated by Your love. I am Yours!