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“Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm, for love is strong as death, jealousy is fierce as the grave. Its flashes are flashes of fire, the very flame of the Lord.”

      Lord, I can’t believe that you are jealous for me. You crave me, You desire me, and You seek me. Lord, set me as a seal, mark me upon Your heart, write me upon Your arm, and call me out with Your words. Speak to me the phrases upon Your heart into mine. I want to encounter You like I’ve never known. I want to know You like I’ve never comprehended. Lord, what do I have to do to search You out and meet You in the secret place? Purge me Lord, flash upon me with an intense flame. I want to encounter the fire of the Lord. Your love is stronger than death, mightier than the grave. No water can quench Your love and no flood can drown Your flame. Burn upon my lips with a coal of knowledge, revelation, and love. I am a man that desires compassion and wisdom. So let me stop resisting what Your doing in me and simply fall upon You. Do Your work, say Your words, and let me stop struggling and simply accept. Posture my heart to Your will and tenderize my emotions to Your desire.