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Another video blog along with an introduction of the two newest sisters at Destino del Reino.

3 responses to “Honduras Summer 2008 – Las Niñas Dicen “Hola””

  1. AHHHHH!!!! You said you brought down House! I love you!!!! So I JUST went out and bought all 3 seasons, soooo…. now I can return them! It was expensive! You da man!

  2. oh, and also, your spanish is really good eh? That’s great, we’re not sure how well people speak spanish on the team.

    Also, survivor man, the guy that does the show, is from London, Ontario, went to school there. Like, 30 min from where I live!

  3. Yeah, I have them all on my computer just so you know. But we can watch it on my laptop or connect with a projector. I’ll also try to get season 4 before we head down to Nicaragua. I also might try to get Flight of the Conchords. Have you ever heard of that show?