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A jam packed couple of weeks.

One response to “Nicaragua Spring 2009 – Going Full Throttle”

  1. Hey Sweetie,
    Love your devotionals and videos…and I like
    the music on your Costa Rica video…is that the same
    guy or group that you used on one of your earlier videos
    at the Destino orphanage? Bring me one of their C.D.’s
    I am just amazed at all the opportunities that God has
    given you and your group – these memories will last a
    lifetime and make an impression on your heart forever,
    but most of all an everlasting impression on those you
    and your group have ministered to….I know you will
    always have a part of you left in Nicaragua and just think
    the House of Prayer – what an impact that will be for
    the community and others…God will honor all of your
    groups hard work, prayers, effort and faithfulness to His
    calling…..Can not wait for you to come
    home – wish I could have been there with all of you to
    experience the joy that all of you have had but you have
    been able to give us glimpses as if we were part of the
    story…. and I want to thank all of your supporters for
    sharing in His Story…and allowing you to be a part of
    it……love always,
    your Mom – who is so proud of you….