
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

This is just a little update of what God has been doing in my heart recently during this semester in Granada. I wrote this letter to my supporters a month ago and just sent it out last week by mail. I wanted to give some time to allow them to see it, and now I would like to share it with everyone else.
Dear Friends and Family,                                                                                       Originally written Feb. 11, 2009

I write to you with a humbled heart and a blessed life. I couldn’t be here without all of your support. Thank you so much for the prayers when I am unaware; they keep me going day to day. I am definitely on a journey of learning, maturation, and strengthening. This new year is bringing fresh opportunities down here in Nicaragua, and I am excited about where God has me involved. My weekly schedule is packed with spending time at Vida Joven (Young Life), Hogar de Ancianos (a local nursing home), and Corazon Contento (Happy Heart), a school for mentally-handicapped children.

The Lord has been so gracious with me these past two weeks and has been meeting me in such a powerful way. My joys started out Sunday night when a group of us went to Restoration, an electrifying church that is full of the Spirit. We were also joined by our new Christian brother (Andy), who we helped lead to Christ during the Fall of last year. If you would like to hear more about that God story, I would greatly encourage you to go to my blog,, and see my post entitled, “What a Glorious Day”. It has been amazing to see such a powerful transformation take place in his life, one of God renewing his mind, tenderizing his heart, and rejuvenating his spirit. He once was a slave to sin, ravaged by sorrow and despair, but now he is a servant to Christ, empowered by joy and hope.

Another exciting thing I would like to talk about is our Prayer House. It has been such a refuge and solace for me since returning to Nicaragua. The idea of having a sacred place set aside for prayer and worship began in the heart of one of my team members, Caleb Spitler. He was inspired by IHOP, no not the pancake house, but the other one, the International House of Prayer. He went to one of their conferences over Christmas break, and God pierced his mind with a vision for our own House of Prayer down here in Nicaragua. I have gone out there at nights roughly 2 to 3 times a week and it has been amazing to see God come and meet me at my innermost needs.

Last week, I came to Him with uncertainty and doubt about the future and specifically about what I will be doing after this trip. I paced around this little 10 x 20 ft. rocky space of four concrete walls and no roof, looking up into the twilight expanse and petitioning to the Lord. I was so desperate to hear from Him about what was to come next for my life. Then all of sudden, I heard a chirping noise come from one of the holes in the wall and I didn’t know if it was some type of bird or even possibly a bat. I wondered if it was God’s way of saying that He was ready to speak. Therefore, I decided to take a seat in the middle of the room and see how God would show up. I remained silent for quite sometime and desired for God to speak to me in a new way. I continued to look from a distance at the hole where I heard the noise come from and I wanted to see if anything would fly out. Instead, that specific hole began to fill itself in and look exactly like the rest of the wall. I pondered what this could mean and then more of the holes in the wall began to fill, until only a few gaps were left. Then, at the center of the wall stood a distinct, black cross.

Now, I believe there could be a natural explanation for this occurrence, but nevertheless, I believe God was speaking to me in a new and alternative way that night. He was calling me and inviting me to take part in History (His Story). And He is not only inviting me, but He is inviting all of us to play an active role in His kingdom as the Bride of Christ. I believe each hole that was filled represents the work that the Church has already completed, and the remaining holes signify the work that is still to be done before Christ’s return. There are still gaps in this grand story authored by God, and we are called to fill these gaps. There are still places to go, faces to encounter, words to speak, relationships to resolve, and miracles to be done. And at the center of the whole illustration, God reminded me that it all revolves around what Christ did on the cross. He filled the void in our life and bridged the gap between us and the Father. Likewise, our role is to bridge the gap between culture and Jesus, and to demonstrate to the world how He is the only thing that can fill the empty space within our hearts.
A group of fellow believers who have really taken hold of this concept are our friends at Torre Fuerte (Strong Tower), a local church that is right in the middle of one of the poorest parts of Granada. These witnesses for Christ are caught in the fray against gangs, drug abuse, alcoholism, poverty, and sexual immorality. In the midst of darkness, they are lamps that brightly shine for Christ everywhere they go, and prayer is the one constant that sustains them and unifies them. Since the end of last year, they have gathered together to pray for Granada and their community, starting each morning at 4:30. Some team members and I had the chance to go one morning this week, and it was an experience that I will never forget. We had at least twenty people all joined together, bowing down with their faces to the floor and their hearts raised to God. Despite speaking different languages and coming from contrasting cultures, we shared a fervency to encounter God and meet with Him intimately. We sought not only a change and revival to take place within Granada, but we also sought for a change within our own hearts and desires.

This has been the greatest fruit I’ve seen from persistent and passionate prayer; a transformation of my will towards God’s will. As I get to know Him more intimately, God shapes and molds my desires to become more like His. And even though He has not been specific about my near future, He keeps whispering to me, “It’s o.k., don’t fret. Place all your anxieties on me.” He is calling me into a life that is in complete trust of Him and utterly free from worry. I am constantly reminded of the passage in Matthew 6:31-33, which states, “So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” I hope many of you will find comfort in these verses during these difficult economic times, and remember that if we seek God first, He will provide for all our needs.

Thank you for being a part of this ministry and being involved in what God is doing in Nicaragua. I pray that God will give a ten-fold blessing to each of you who have supported me. I am eager to see what God still has planned for me during the rest of this trip and also for the next season of life. He has been pressing on my heart a new desire, and I am excited about the prospect of what is to come.

A fellow actor in History,

JD Russell