
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

         Hey faithful blog readers and supporters, this is Joe Carter from Vermont and the FYM Nicaragua team. I am writing on behalf of a vision I received from Jesus before coming to Nicaragua. The vision took form as I scrambled to tell my church how God would use me in Nicaragua, “with a 5k or something,” I responded. Having been a runner for seven years, I took this idea very lightly-if I am following God, why would he use my passion that has nothing to do with His kingdom? I forgot the vision until the second semester, after learning that God created every desire and everything about me in a purposeful way.

         It began to burn on my heart to organize a 5k race for organizations that needed money and I talked to my leaders about it. This was all I really had to do-besides the most important thing, pray. Next, my new leader Seth and teammate Sarah were inspired to help and our local translator Mario was used by God for his knowledge of local businesses. Later, I learned that Young Life, which draws 80+ teenagers from the temptations of the street life into the church, was hurting financially. With Young Life, the youth in the community are able to play games, worship Jesus, act out Bible stories and attend Christian sport camps. As a result of the program I have seen many young people, through tears, commit their lives to Jesus. Through prayer the Lord led me to have the race benefit this program in Granada.

         What an experience it has been following God through this vision. Everything has fallen into place, including the Great Deceiver. Money is our greatest distraction and we have fought fear of not raising enough. One issue was on the racing fee. First, we decided to charge each runner 40 cords (2$) and then it was more and later less. One night I approached God frustrated because I couldn’t believe how cheap we were making the race.

         Then, God rocked me. He clearly told me to stop thinking about the money and to lay it on him. Thus, I concluded to drop the racing fee and trust God that the money will come. Last night, God put it on my heart to write you this note. I ask that you take this event with discernment, read below about Young Life and contribute in whatever way God leads. If you would like to give financially, please follow the directions below. Also, here are 3 ways you can pray for Young Life:

    * That God will provide financially.
    * More hearts will be drawn to Jesus.
    * Leaders will rise up from the youth who spread their faith boldly.

Thank you very much for reading. I invite you to be a part of the change happening in Granada.

    From a brother in Christ,


Granada welcomed Vida Joven, or Nicaragua’s Young Life, in September of last year. The program
has been wildly successful, demonstrating that young people here are
hungry for wholesome alternatives to drugs, alcohol and life on the
streets. El Puente is bursting with kids each Thursday night, and
we’ve expanded the program with additional offerings throughout the
financing the program is not easy.  Joe, a member of our Awakening
team, suggested we put on a 5K Fun Run in Granada to spread the word
and raise support. The city has given its blessing, and we are
scheduled to go on April 25th. As the first event of this sort for all
of us, we are looking for ways to make this a success for the kids. AIM has opened a dedicated account in which sponsorship funds may be
collected. If you would like to sponsor young people in this race,
we’d like to make this account available to you as well.  If you’d like
to help, we suggest the following sponsorship levels: 


 Single Sponsorship:  $5 

 Triple Sponsorship: $15 

 Quintuplets:  $25 

 Ten Youngsters:  $50 


course, you could give more or less, as your budget allows. All funds
collected will go directly to the Granada Vida Joven Club. If you have
any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thanks for your
consideration, and for helping these kids step out in faith.   


El Puente, Granada, Nicaragua 

Checks may be mailed to:   

Adventures in Missions 

6000  Wellspring Trail 

Gainesville, GA  30506 

Attention: Nicaragua Kids Camp Fun Run 

or, Contributions may be made online at: 

Once you are on the web page, you: 

1.       In the drop down menu select “Support A World Race Project” 

2.       In the Project box that appears, type in: Nicaragua Kids Camp Fun Run 

3.       Follow the donation process through.